Mr. Bill Bly and his crew continually make the Festival of Lights
a great Event
Many of you know about the Festival of Lights in Shelbyville
at Forest Park. However, you may not
understand all of the work that goes into making this event run successfully. Mr. Bill Bly and his crew of dedicated
volunteers have been working diligently to provide this Winter Wonderland for
Shelby County.
The following pictures will give you an idea of what these
individuals have been doing to make this event possible. Some of the responsibilities include checking
each individual bulb and replacing them as needed, painting the light fixtures,
and once dried, carefully placing them in their viewing locations, attaching yellow
ribbons to supporting wires to warn passersby’s of their presence, making sure
all cords and plugs are working each night of the display, contacting sponsors for
support of this event, displaying sponsor signs in appreciation of donations,
recruitment of volunteers to do various tasks, making arrangements for the
annual soup supper to raise funds for the festival of lights, getting the word
out about this great event, and many other tasks, including the taking down and
arranging of items back in storage once the event is over.
This team is made up completely of volunteers, and it is to
them we give our gratitude in doing their part in making Shelby County a better
place to live!
This truly is a community project that could not be done
without the support of all of the sponsors, organizations, volunteers, and the
city playing their roles in this festive event!
A big thanks to Mr. Bill Bly and his crew for all that you
If you would like to help out with this event in any way, feel
free to contact Mr. Bly at 217-259-2361.
Just a fraction of
the lights that are now displayed outside. (And notice how nicely arranged the
fixtures are stored. I was impressed by the organization of this shop!)
Mrs. Norma Anderson and
Mr. Bob Thomas making sure replacement bulbs are in working condition.
Mr. Ken Ward, Mr.
Thomas, and Mrs. Anderson replacing bulbs.

Mr. Thomas, Mr. Dakoda,
and Mr. Bly making sure each bulb is lit while Mr. Ward and Mrs. Anderson insert
bulbs on another fixture.
Mr. Ward and Mr. Dakoda
putting together the light fixtures.
Mr. Thomas and Mr.
Ward attaching the supporting posts so the fixtures can stand firm in Illinois
While many of the
fixtures are now up, there is still much to be done!
Don’t forget, opening night is on
November 20th!
There will be a soup
supper at the Senior Center in Forest Park with plenty of food offered at only
$5 per person (children 12 and under are free).
Proceeds go towards maintaining the light displays.
We appreciate your support!
again to all of those involved with the Festival of Lights! You make this wonderful winter event